"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse."
Money doesn't matter, it only seems like it does. Yes we need money in order to buy our necessities but when you think about it, money is just paper that controls our lives. I think that this is pretty sad. You can have all the money in the world and be completely alone and you still wouldn't be wealthy from the heart. Money does not buy happiness, people only make it seem that way. People who are wealthy from the heart care about others more than themselves, they do anything possible to make people feel better, they want to do good to others and their surrounds but most of all they have more love in them than hatred. These are only a few of the qualities that real wealthy people have. if you have some of these qualities you should feel proud of yourself because not everyone has them. True wealth is not about having alot of money, houses, cars or etc, its about your personality, the way you are, the little things that you have and the way you treat others.
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