"When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive."
-Alan paton
We tend to hold on to things that stop us from living. We hold on to these things for many reasons. Maybe because we're so angry with ourselves, that person/people or maybe we're just afraid. We don't forgive because we fear it'll happen again, with the same person or another. We think of our injuries way too often and we don't realize that they can consume us, they can make us very unhappy. We have to learn to forgive, even if that person or those people don't apologize. Learn to forgive, do it for you, do it for the happiness that'll come after it. Our lives would be dull and dark if we held on to grudges and never forgave anyone. Forgiving is one step closer to happiness, forgiving is one step closer to success. Many people cant start a new chapter in their lives because theyre stuck on the same page they were on for a couple of days, weeks, months or even years now.